Ultra Mag Electronic Flowmeter

The Ultra Mag is an advanced, leading-edge electromagnetic flow meter. The field-proven flow meter was designed for the specific needs of the water & wastewater industries. The unit’s unique NSF-approved UltraLiner™ provides superior electrical insulation as well as excellent protection against corrosion and abrasion.

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Water Specialties Propeller Meter
Water Specialties Propeller Meter

McCrometer's V2 System, a flowmeter specifically designed to save space by reducing the need for upstream and downstream straight pipe runs. Ready to install out of the box, the V2 System allows you to accurately measure flow in no time. And with no recalibration and easy installation, the V2 helps keep operating costs where they should be: down.

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SK Variable Area Flowmeter

McCrometer's RemoteCONNECT Remote Telemetry System is a turn-key wireless remote monitoring system with 24/7 capability, which reduces costly manual data collection.

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Wafer-Cone Flowmeters

McCrometer's Wafer-Cone flowmeters use the same revolutionary principles found in the V-Cone. They are an ideal solution for difficult installations or situations where long-term reliability is a must.

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Mc Propeller Flowmeter

McCrometer's Mc Propeller flowmeters are engineered to provide dependable, trouble-free measurement for both clean and dirty flows in municipal, agricultural and industrial settings.

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V-Cone Flowmeter

McCrometer's V-Cone flowmeters are the most advanced differential pressure devices in the market today. V-Cone flowmeters are known for their accuracy, ruggedness and versatility.

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V-Cone Flowmeter

The Water Specialties Propeller Meter is the best choice for measuring clean water flows in municipal and industrial applications. The meter is engineered to deliver superior performance, low maintenance and unsurpassed durability. Meter materials and performance meet or exceed AWWA standard C704/92.

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V-Cone Flowmeter

Now With Forward / Reverse Bi-Directional Measurement! The FPI Mag is a Full Profile Insertion flow meter combining the ease of hot tap installation with an accurate measurement of the full flow profile. This is accomplished with a unique operating principle featuring multiple electrodes across the entire pipe diameter. This allows the FPI Mag to deliver accuracy unmatched by other insertion mag meters and rivals the performance of a full-bore mag meter.

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V-Cone Flowmeter

The SPI Mag Insertion Flow Meter provides a highly cost-effective solution for the accurate measurement of liquid flow in closed conduit, pressurized pipe applications. Unlike conventional magnetic meters, the SPI Mag’s cost is independent of pipe size. Velocity and pipe diameter information are utilized by the SPI Mag to determine flow over wide flow ranges with a high degree of accuracy.

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